We know how important it is to have a reliable car pick-up service, which is why we’ve made it easy for you to obtain a quote. Our website features an online calculator that only requires a few seconds of your time. Simply enter the pick-up and delivery cities and states, vehicle year, make and model, condition, transport type, and preferred shipping date.
If you prefer speaking directly with our professional guaranteed vehicle shipping advisors, we have that option available, as well. You can also utilize our Live Chat or send us an email.
Our quote includes insurance and taxes, and you can expect a seamless car transport service from point A to Point B. There’s no obligation or hidden fees, so why wait? Find out how much our guaranteed car pick-up service will cost you today!
Your assigned vehicle shipping carrier will reach out 24 hours and again approximately 1 hour before the scheduled pick-up time to confirm the details and accessibility of your pick-up location. If the location isn’t suitable for large commercial vehicles, don’t worry – the carrier can arrange an alternative location. If you’re unable to be present during the pick-up, you can nominate a third party like a neighbour, friend, or work colleague to release the vehicle on your behalf.
Expect a follow-up phone call shortly to update you on your vehicle’s status. You will receive a notification of delivery 24 hours in advance as well as 1 hour prior day of delivery, allowing you to prepare your schedule accordingly. If you are unable to receive the delivery, you may designate a third party to accept it on your behalf. Please note that the recipient must be at least 18 years old. Consider reaching out to a friend, family member, colleague, neighbour, or acquaintance for assistance.